PlayerEvals is versatile, our platform can be use in many ways. To see an overview, select one of the options below that best fits your organization.

Our camp/clinic edition is designed for organizations running camps or clinics where coaches don't get a lot of time with each athlete.

We focus on efficiency, PlayerEvals allows you to easily evaluate hundreds of athletes at the end of each camp. Add your coaches or counselors to fill out the evaluations.

Our clients utilize our template builder to provide specific evaluations based on the focus of the camp or the athletes position.

Team edition is design for a team environment where players and coaches have an ongoing relationship.

Our clients have used the platform in many ways, one example is to do a monthly evaluation for each player. We provide the capability to give individual feedback and a section where the coach and send a message to the whole team.

Team Edition clients also use our platform to provide position specific evaluations. Coaches use the "long answer" method to write a paragraph or two to an athlete.

The possibilities are endless, we talk to our clients all the time and they teach us new ways to use our flexible platform.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us: [email protected]

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